In order to clarify the duties of the officers, the Board is proposing to update the bylaws. BANA has a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and a Land Use Committee chair. The amendments separate the Secretary and Treasurer roles and add the representative for the Neighborhood Leadership Alliance. See proposed language below.
Section 1: The Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Land Use Chair and two (2) additional at-large members for a total of seven (7) members. One Board member shall be designated as Neighborhood Leadership Alliance Representative. The Board may also acknowledge an alternate Board member. The Board may propose a change in the total number of its members with a maximum of seven (7), and a minimum of five (5) Board members. Enactment requires a majority vote of the members present at a general membership meeting.
Section 8: The Board Officers shall have the following duties:
a. The Chair shall develop the agenda and preside at all board meetings and all membership meetings and shall perform such duties as the Board and the membership authorize from time to time. The Chair shall represent the position of the Board and the interest of the neighborhood association. Only the Chair of the board shall speak for BANA, unless the Chair designates other board members, officers, or committees to speak for BANA in particular instances or on particular issues for one time only or at the further dissection of the board.
b: The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence and as authorized by bylaws or regulations of the Board. By consensus vote of the BANA Board, authorization may be give for the Board Chair and Vice Chair to co-chair their positions, sharing duties indiscriminately between the two positions. Any related co-chair authorization by BANA Board is limited to one term of the respective positions and may be rescinded at any time by a consensus vote of the BANA Board
c: The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of Membership and Board meetings, assist the Chair with correspondence, announcements, and information releases. The Secretary will maintain a list of current Board members, Officers and committee members along with their related terms. The Secretary will also be responsible to maintain and hold, as specified by the Board, all non-financial files.
d: The Treasurer shall maintain and execute all financial and budget matters as directed by the Board through proper and lawful exercise of their bylaws and City of Bend – Code authority. The Treasurer shall record and make payments through the City of Bend – Reimbursement Request Form submittal process as required in a timely manner. The Treasurer will also be responsible to maintain and hold, as specified by the Board, all financial files.
e: The Land Use Chair shall be the designate authorized representative for BANA regarding land use notices and processes under applicable City of Bend land use regulations and code. The Land Use Chair will receive and review all land use notifications. These notifications will be circulated in a timely manner to the Board Officers and general BANA membership for their review, discussion, comment and for participation in City of Bend land use processes, comment opportunities and hearings processes. The Land Use Chair may, at the discretion of the Board, maintain a Land Use Committee of Board or General Membership members. Land Use notifications and responses shall be maintained and held as specified by the Board.
f: A Neighborhood Leadership Alliance Representative shall be nominated by consensus vote of the BANA Board (the nominee must be a current Board Member) to represent BANA on the City of Bend NLA Committee. This nominee is then authorized to submit application (per related City of Bend Code) to the City of Bend Mayor for consideration and appointment as the BANA representative on the City of Bend NLA Committee. This NLA Representative shall be the designate authorized representative for BANA regarding NLA matters and proceeding as outlined in City of Bend Code and also BANA Bylaws. The NLA Representative will relay minutes and pending actions of the NLA to the BANA Board in a timely manner for review, discussion and concession approval prior to official NLA actions. The NLA Representative for BANA shall act in the expressed interests of BANA and at the direction of the BANA Board.