We did it! BANA's Board of Directors asked the city engineer for the Empire Roundabout project to consider lowering the speed limit on Desert Sage to 20 mph during the period when the street would be a detour around the construction. For such changes, the City of Bend actually has to request permission from the State Department of Transportation.
Sinclair Burr was successful in changing the speed. He also placed a very large speed bump at the bottom of the hill.
With permission from ODOT, the City of Bend was able to lower the speed limit on Desert Sage to 20 mph. That fits with the 20 is Plenty campaign some residents are promoting to decrease traffic accidents.
During the 8 weeks traffic will be routed down Desert Sage and up Rock Park drivers should notice the big 20 mph sign and speed bump.
This is another example of your neighborhood association (BANA) working for residents of our area.