The Neighborhood Street Safety Program (NSSP) is a new program for small-scale, residential street projects to address pedestrian and bicycle safety, safe routes to school, speeding, intersection control and crossings, and other residential street traffic safety related issues.
City Council approved a two year total budget of $800,000 for the Neighborhood Street Safety Program.
Eligible streets for the program are public streets owned and maintained by the City of Bend that are:
Local, residential streets
o Used by more than 400 vehicles per day (more than 11 cars in 15 minutes)
o More than 3 blocks long (approx. 1800 ft.),
- Local street intersections with a collector or arterial street, or
- Spot improvements on an arterial or collector fronted by residential lots.
What types of projects are included?
This program is for projects that help improve residential street safety such as short infill sidewalk segments, crosswalks, street lights, speed humps on neighborhood greenways, curb extensions, signing, striping, and more. The City’s Neighborhood Street Safety Toolbox provides a list of the types of projects considered for this program. To help communicate street safety awareness, each project is asked to include some type of education campaign.
Who can submit an application?
Any City resident can submit an application. This program encourages neighbors and neighborhoods to work together to identify priority issues.
How are projects selected and when will they get built?
Each of the 13 Neighborhood Associations (NAs) will identify their top two projects. The Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) will prioritize the 26 top projects and the highest priority projects, up to $800,000, will be recommended for construction with this program. The program targets completing projects by 2021.