One important task at the June 12 BANA annual meeting is the election of a Board of Directors. Offering to continue are:
Jeff Silverman, Chair
Cindy King, Vice Chair
Jim Beauchemin
Matt Bryant
Area residents Thomas Fisher, a retired educator, Lara Hodge, a property manager, and Jordan Marx, a realtor are standing for one of the three open positions.
In addition members will be asked to vote on a proposed bylaws update.
BANA Board of Directors serve for one year. While four current members offer to continue, three of the Board of Directors are stepping down. So at the annual meeting members will be asked to vote for a slate of seven directors.
Attorney Jeff Silverman has served for two years. He has agreed to move to the Chair position. Cindy King, a health care professional, will remain as Vice Chair. Cindy is the BANA rep on the Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) tat woks with the Deschutes County Sheriff's staff on emergency preparedness.
Jim Beauchemin, long time Land Use Chair, will be representing BANA on the new City Juniper Ridge Management Advisory Board.
Matt Bryant will continue as the Neighborhood Leadership Alliance representative.
Three area residents have offered to serve: Thomas Fisher, Lara Hodge and Jordan Marx.
You may meet them all at the June12 annual meeting at Pine Nursery Pavilion.