The BANA March member meeting on Thursday March 18th is an opportunity for us to meet new City Council member Megan Peters, who is the council liaison to Boyd Acres NA.
Join the meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 18th via zoom. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 7559 3839
Passcode: 949812
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City Goals for the Next 2 Years
Councilors are working on a framework of goals that will guide the City’s priorities over the next two years. Goal categories include:
· Accessible & Effective City Government
· Environment & Climate
· Safety, Health, Accountability & Justice
· Shared Prosperity
· Transportation & Infrastructure
· Housing
Goal strategies are still being refined and a work plan for implementing the goals will follow. View the draft Council Goal Framework.
The Council drafted this preamble statement that sets the stage for their goals:
We will work to make Bend a city for everyone. We can all share in the prosperity and promise of this unique and beautiful place. We honor the people that came before us on these lands and acknowledge that the health of our community relies on the health of our environment. As stewards of the city, we are accountable to the people of Bend and are responsible for delivering excellent city services. We are committed to serving everyone equitably, creating a more connected community, and preserving Bend’s spirit as we grow. We will strive to achieve equity and justice for everyone in Bend.
More Roundabouts for Bend
The intersection of Purcell and Butler Market will have a new roundabout this year. Construction is to start this spring.
Construction starts at the intersection of SW Columbia and Colorado Avenue in early March. The City will be improving the intersections of Columbia Street/Colorado Avenue and Columbia Street/Simpson Avenue with roundabouts to improve safety and reliability.
Travelers should expect road closures and detours at all thee projects.
City Updates Mapping Tool
The City launched a new public interactive mapping tool, the Community Development Data Explorer (“The Explorer”) recently. The Explorer can be used to perform common search functions such as finding property zoning, getting information on land use applications, and accessing permit and licensing information for any tax lot within Bend city limits.
There are Training materials on the “Introduction” tab of The Explorer . This Explorer is a resource that was identified by the Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA), an advisory committee to City Council, as an easier way for community members to learn about development and land use in Bend.
Water Wise Landscaping Workshops
The City is offering free training on how to save water, reduce runoff and pollutants in the river.
Watershed Wise Landscaping Basics, 7-8 p.m. on March 4, 2021
Building Healthy Soil, 7-8 p.m. on March 11, 2021
Irrigating Efficiently, 7-8 p.m. on March 18, 2021
Watershed Wise Garden Design, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on March 20, 2021
Capturing Rainwater, 7-8 p.m. in March 25, 2021
More information and registration (required) at
Council Distributes $1.3million in housing funds
Three affordable housing projects will receive City funds for the creation of 435 housing units.
The projects selected to receive funding this year are:
- Housing Works for the purchase of approximately 5.5 acres of a 35-acre property that expands Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary for the development of affordable housing.
- Mary Rose Place Apartments, an affordable housing development proposal to be located at the intersection of Mary Rose Place and 27th Street, in the Northeast Bend Mountain View neighborhood.
- Bend Heroes Foundation’s development of an emergency shelter that will provide wrap-around services for veterans experiencing homelessness. The proposed village will include a community building for meals and services with 15 single occupancy units initially and the ability of expansion to 30 units.
The Affordable Housing Fund program started in 2006 as a solution to develop a wide variety of housing throughout Bend. Since its beginning, the fund has contributed to obtaining or creating over 800 affordable housing units. This fund collects one-third of one percent of Building Permit fees submitted to the City of Bend, and uses the proceeds to acquire land for deed restricted affordable housing, develop land, construct homes, or rehabilitate homes.
Additionally, on April 7, Council is expected to decide on recipients for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funding. The CDBG is a federal funding program that provides assistance for housing and community development activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons. The City expects approximately $400,000 will be available to distribute to organizations operating in Bend that support community members facing economic hardship.
Both the Affordable Housing Fund and CDBG programs are guided by the City of Bend Consolidated Plan, a comprehensive housing and community development strategy that was prepared with extensive public involvement.
Learn more about the City’s Affordable Housing Program online at
More Changes to Bend Development Code
The City will host a Public Hearing on proposed changes to the Bend Development code, Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM, via a virtual meeting platform. Code Project Number PLTEXT20210122.
Amendments proposed are to Code Chapters 2.2, Commercial Zoning Districts, 2.7, Special Planning Districts, Refinement Plans, Area Plans and Master Plans, and 3.6, Special Standards and Regulations for Certain Uses. The amendments are for temporary housing.
See Planning Application Status and related documents at:
The meeting will be held via the internet through ZOOM. The link may be found on the City Council agenda page
Those without computer access may call 541-693-2153 for a phone number for the hearing.
Written comments must include the Project Number, be submitted by March 17, 2021 and sent to:
Pauline Hardie, Senior Planner ph. # 541-693-2153
Details of the amendments may be viewed at the Online Permit Center Portal on the city website
Did You Know…?
Four thousand bills have been introduced in the Oregon legislature. That’s right, 4,000. Topics include: composting as a means of funeral options; gun bans in public buildings; increase in the tax exemption on inheritance taxes; landlord support for lost rental income; recycling, vaccination choice for children; and development on non-farm land in agricultural zones.