Did you know that the Neighborhood Associations are undergoing an assessment? The 2021-2023 Council Goals include a strategy to, “Assess the neighborhood association system as a conduit of information and representation and create opportunities to engage under-served communities.”
Neighborhood Associations (NAs) are independent organizations, but the City does provide funding to NAs as a way to help you connect with those who live or own a business in your neighborhoods. The Council has decided that it’s time to check in. We want to ensure that the system is working for everyone, and understand better how we can support Neighborhood Associations and our community members in giving them a voice. Read more about the assessment in the November 2021 Neighborhood Leader Newsletter.
Makayla Oliver, Community Relations Manager, for the city, will be at the 6 p.m. Feb. 23 BANA member meeting to discuss the assessment. Please attend.
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82487595025?pwd=VIZycTN1ZFRBVVd5K1ZpTy9ZUOFxdz09
Offering such meetings is one of the ways your Neighborhood Association facilitates communications with our city.